Have you ever wondered if arguing does good or bad? In most cases if you're arguing with someone you want to be right. If we argue and give up the "right" to our own opinion we can find out the truth and do great things. For example we can keep the argument going, talk about important topics, and make the world safer for the next generation. Keeping the argument going can make a big difference. For example if you're arguing with someone you don't want to stop until you find out who's right. In most cases people say "you have the right to you're own opinion" which most likely ends the argument. This makes it seem like a piece of evidence. This can keep you from actually finding out the truth. Talking about important topics such as pollution can change the world. If we are arguing about what to do about pollution then we can come up with some way to help. If we end up coming up with a plan we can make a big difference. Another example is that...
This semester was unlike any other because we had to learn and adjust in different ways. Our course was different from the beginning and I value everything I learned from it. We did a lot of work that was different from any other English class I've ever had. Something that made this course different than any other course was that it focused on what your thoughts and opinion were on certain stuff. For example, the journal entries, were something that was very new and different to me. No other class had us keep a journal and write our thoughts in it everyday. The questions for our journals were very interesting and made me actually want to write every day. I am glad I got to try out something new. I found having our very own blog meaningful. This was meaningful because we get to have a space where we can write all of our thoughts and share them with our classmates. We can also get inspired by our classmates and see what they have to say about certain topics. The work I am most...
Chapter one talks about M. Myriel who had to leave France because of the French Revolution. Then he returns to France years later. There was a lot of gossip and talk about M. Myriel because no one knew who he was. He went to Digne with his sister, Mademoiselle Baptistine. They also had their servant named Madame Magliore.
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